Thursday, August 6, 2015

Meet the Teacher - Mr. C.


For "Friendship Friday" this week we are introducing ourselves to our new social media buddies! 
My name is Jose Cortez and I am a fourth grade Bilingual teacher in good ol' Texas! I have lived here most of my life. During Middle School I lived in Mexico with my grandparents. That is where I learned Spanish and it is paying off now!!! I LOVE being a bilingual teacher! 
Before my teaching career, I worked as a graphic designer and a marketing specialist for local non-profit organizations. It was very fun, but it was NOT rewarding whatsoever!! I sat behind a desk alone and in silence most of the day. No fun! So I decided to make a career change and teaching was something that I ALWAYS wanted to try... boy am I happy that I did! 
I am about to turn 30 next February and let me tell you that it is starting to freak me out! It sure crept up on me. But it feels so nice to be where I am today in general.

A few interesting things about me:

Favorite color is GREEN
The only Starbucks drink I ever get is the White Chocolate Mocha (SOOO good!)
I auditioned for American Idol TWICE
I am horrible at every sport
I LOVE markers and stickers
Favorite soda is Orange Fanta
I am obsessed with the HGTV channel (I wish Joanna Gaines was my bff)

Well, thank you for reading a little bit about me! I hope to make some friends on here!

For more classroomtopia fun follow me on my TPT store and My Blog


  1. I love markers and stickers too! :-) Also, I'm turning 30 in November... How did this happen to me?? ;-)
    Journey Through Elementary

    1. Isn't it insane!!! I don't want to get older!! haha

  2. Hey! Another almost 30 here in Septemeber! However, after having two babes I am excited to see another year!

    1. Awesome! haha
      I bet they keep you on your toes! How old are your kiddos? :)

  3. Goodness...all you almost 30s are making me feel old. ;) I wll be 44 on the 27th this month. haha

    I wonder if loving markers and stickers is a teacher requirement because they are a fave of mine as well...along with all different kinds of pens.

    Jose, Orange Fanta with vanilla is one of my go-to drinks. :) Dreamsicle party in your mouth right there!

    I loved learning all those cool things about you. American Idol! So stinking awesome!

    Thanks for your wonderful idea :)

    1. Hahahaha! What a crazy coincidence that most of us are 30. You can be 30 with us though! :)
      I am finding that most of the crazy things that I've been obsessed with all my life are actually teacher norms. The stickers and markers and pens obsession is definitely one that we all share, huh? lol
      OMG I never even thought about adding VANILLA to it!!! That sounds AMAZING. Nowadays they have those giant soda fountains that can make all these crazy combinations... I'm going to have to try it!
      I loved reading yours too!
      Thank you for participating :)

  4. Enjoyed reading your post! I'll have to try that Starbucks drink! :-) I look forward to seeing more of your blog posts!! Thanks again for doing this!

  5. I've never been to Texas, but my boyfriend's sister lives in Fort Worth and just had a baby this week, so I may be visiting for the first time soon! I'm so glad you love teaching and are happy you made the switch. I'm even happier we both love scented markers and stickers!

  6. Well congrats on finding your calling. And I am happy to say #lovewins and now everywhere in the United States you can say married legally. What type of dog do you have? I always get a refresher from Starbucks. I love stickers and markers I have some of every brand and color shades. I sometimes make my own stickers(: haha My favorite fanta is orange too. And the Hgtv is my go to channel when I want to kill time.
